Sunday, 6 May 2012

Grooming # 1 ....

I had a visitor on Friday night, and it was great to see J, (as always).
As previously mentioned, I have been over-grooming myself lately. 
So this was a great opportunity to give myself a break, and I concentrated on J instead.
By the time J went home, she was very neat and tidy indeed :)


  1. Hi Simon, Heather and Floyd. We miss you here Simon, CW isn't the same without you! I hope you are all ok, you were a great colleague for the time we worked together; thanks for all the help, humour and wisdom. BTW, I made your beer bread the other day and it was DELISH! Stay well. Christine

    1. Hi C, I've made sure Simon has seen your very nice message ;).
      Good news about the beer bread! Cheers,x
