I had my 3 monthly check up at the vet's yesterday.
I didn't really want to leave my safety zone to get poked and prodded.
Nervously licking my lips. I know what's going to happen.
I didn't get to see my regular vet Dr Paula as she was in surgery.
But Dr Tara has seen me before and she is also quite respectful and gentle.
Curiosity eventually got the better of me.
I tried to keep a keen eye out.
I came out eventually and was nabbed.
Bloods, temperature (ooeer), urine test & blood pressure taken, they put on the cuff & pump it up just like for my humans.
(Needless to say, my blood pressure is usually pretty high by the time they take it.)
Just waiting for the other results to come in.
But all in all, a successful visit I hope.
Paws crossed.