Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sad News About Floyd ....

Dear 'Ratso Eats Chilli' readers,

This blog was started about 9 months ago to record the life of our amazing cat Floyd J Williams.
At that time of his life he had been diagnosed with hyper thyroid issues for about a year and a half, and had  just added kidney disease to this.  He had managed these issues and continued to be a great joy to us and anyone who met him throughout his ups and downs and various health issues.

We adopted him as a tiny kitten 14 & a half years ago.  He was the runt of a litter.  He lived with a lady who had over 20 cats.  He spent his first months of life fighting his siblings, aunts & uncles for food and lived in a dressing table drawer.  His love of sleeping in and under furniture continued throughout his life.
We called him Floyd for a couple of reasons.  My husband was a big fan of Floyd from the Muppets, I was a big fan of Keith Floyd, a British celebrity chef who had become famous in Australia in the early 90's for a cooking show called 'Floyd on Fish'.  So Floyd became Floyd for a couple of reasons.
He also had several nicknames:
Short arse,
Numb Nuts
Monkey Man
(All given with loving intent - in case those who read this and are not from Australia get the wrong idea)

Floyd's health had been deteriorating pretty fast over the last couple of weeks.  As well as his hyper thyroid issues, his kidneys were failing and he had developed a chronic respiratory issue.  We took him to the vet last weekend and his blood tests came back that he had also become diabetic.  Unfortunately we only found that out on Friday, and he was fading before our eyes.  We took him back in straight away and he was moved to another clinic for emergency overnight care where he could receive constant monitoring.  They did their best to stabilize his glucose levels but he remained off the charts.  We went in to see him on Saturday, gave him our last hugs and pats and then he was put to sleep.  His chance for recovery, given his age and other health issues was extremely slight.  His passing was very quick and painless and he is chasing (or thinking about chasing), birds, mice, cicadas and moths in his dreams now.  We are sure he is happy not to have to take all those pills any more as well.  I think we will continue to find his fur on our clothes for some time to come.

We miss him so much.

If anyone would like to make a donation or help in other ways at the Lort Smith Animal Hospital, (this place and all the staff there did an amazing job helping Floyd in the last few years of his life), the link is here:
It is an amazing place, and can use all the help anyone may be willing to offer. 

Heather & Simon

Floyd J Williams
01.04.1998 - 03.11.2012

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Groomed ....

Well, as you can see, I'm still spending quality time in the bathroom.
This time to attend to grooming detail.
I like to make sure my paws and face are clean, neat & tidy.
Plus I'm nice and close to my water bowl.
You never know when you will need a drink.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Ablutions ....

I jumped in the bath to finish off my morning ablutions.
It was quite nice relaxing in there.
No water, shampoo or bubble bath involved.
Just some pleasant ambient lighting.
In fact, I have been having a bit of a love affair with the bathroom in general over the last couple of days.
I have practically glued my self to the floor (maybe cooling off on the tiles?).
Also, it holds the water bucket, my normal water bowl as well as my poo/wee tray.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Medicated and Happy ....

Well, after my trip to the hospital yesterday, I now have a few additions to my medication schedule.
The doses may be tweaked after the results of my blood & urine tests.
If you are new to my blog, you may not know I have existing thyroid and kidney problems, and now added to this some respiratory issues as well.
Plus I'm a bit of an old man.

However, all the pills are making me feel much better.
I love medical science.
Purrrr (snort) Purrrr.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Under The Weather ....

I'm feeling a little poorly today.
My nose is almost completely blocked up and I'm snorting and squeaking.
I have been drinking buckets of water too.
My humans are quite worried, so I'm taking a trip to Lort Smith Animal Hospital shortly.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Missing Some Sky ....

About 6 months ago, a  building started going up a block away.

It has gone up so fast!
And it's not finished yet.
In about a year I think I'll have about 5000 new neighbours.
I wonder how many will be feline?

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Geography Study Time ....

One of my favourite things to do: lye on my 'map of the world' desk and study all the countries.
There are so many places I haven't visited.
And probably never will.  
But I can be here and dream about them all day long.
So that's what I do.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

So Not Impressed ....

One of my humans is playing behind my back.
He thinks he's being funny.
But I'm not laughing.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Familiar Sounds ....

Here I am, waiting to hear if something is going to happen.
One of my humans is in the kitchen and I'm keeping an ear out for the following sounds:
1:  Food cupboard door, (followed by a can opening. kinda self explanitory).
2:  Fridge door, (followed by the cutlery drawer which means the possibility of an already opened can or yummy yoghurt treat)
3:  Special Treat cupboard door, (which means, hopefully, yoghurt balls for me!!)

Special Treat cupboard!! 
Yay yoghurt balls!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

That Sweet Aroma ....

Some like the smell of fresh coffee.
Some like newly baked bread.
Chocolate, Popcorn, Cigars - these smells all have admirers.
Me - I love the smell of bleach.  There's nothing like it.
I'll sniff it out anywhere.
And I love a clean floor.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Vicarious Embarrassment ....

The very uncomfortable sympathetic feeling experienced while you watch someone else embarrassing themselves. This feeling is often intensified when the person embarrassing themselves is not aware of how embarrassing their behaviour is. In this case it is more like you are feeling the embarrassment on their behalf.

I feel embarrassed for this guy.

Just as embarrassing as being caught with flatulence. 
In fact, the dog on the left looks like he just farted as well!

In my opinion, this group crosses the line from embarrassment to shame.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Protective Colouring ....

Here I am blending in to my environment.
According to the dictionary:  "The most widespread form of protective colouration is called cryptic resemblance, in which various effects that supplement the similarity of colour between the animal and its surroundings enable the creature to blend into the background of its habitat."
That's me, here.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Twist and Pout ....

If this pose seems vaguely familiar, it may be because I'm doing the 'over the shoulder' look.
A lot of famous actresses use this pose because "it's a statement pose and flaunts your back, bum and shoulders. It draws attention to detail of your gown if it's backless or really ornate."
I think it works for me too.
Even though I'm in the nuddie.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Uncontrollable Urges ....

It appears I have an addiction.
To succulents.
I cannot and will not stop chewing and eating them, and no one can make me.
They taste GOOD!!!
Note the carnage in the above photo.
At some point I'll organise a slideshow of similar carnage to the other plants.
My humans say I'm just being naughty, but I think it is more than that.
One day I may end up on the street, doing anything for my next hit of cactus.

Left over chewed bits.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Memory Lapse ....

I guess I'm no different from anyone.
As I'm getting older, from time to time I seem to suffer from temporary memory lapses.
In this particular instance I appear to have forgotten how to use my cat door.
I know it will come back to me eventually.
So I'll stay here and think it over until it does.
(Even as a kitten I found the concept slightly bewildering.  My humans had to prop the flap open with a chop-stick.  Maybe I'm regressing to kittenhood and it's chop-stick time again ...)

Friday, 5 October 2012

Basking Pot Plant Style ....

You may or may not be aware that I accidentally killed off the balcony strawberry plants with my particularly astringent urine.
As I warmed to the task of turning the whole planter into an outside convenience, so my humans tried to stop me and protect the area by:
1: Giving me an alternative tray to use, complete with umbrella covering against the cold winter rain.
2:  Covering the planter containing the Strawberry plants with shade cloth.
As you can see, their planning has not been effective.
Whilst I no longer use the planter as a depository, it has now become my favourite place to sunbathe.
I simply move myself on top of the shade cloth, and my body fits in perfectly like it was made for it.
Humans 0. Me 10.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Pig in Boots ....

I know, I know, it's meant to be all about me.
But I just wanted to show you this pig.
I'd love to give him a head-butt.
(In a friendly, affectionate way).  
I wouldn't mind some boots like this either.
They could come in handy if it rains here on the weekend.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Artsy & Craftsy ....

This little dude and his puppies are all made of ..
Amazing stuff.

And how about this Combi - Cake.

But this floral sandwich really looks good enough to eat.
I'm getting a bit peckish just looking at it!
What's for dinner.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Vet Visit ....

I had my 3 monthly check up at the vet's yesterday.
I didn't really want to leave my safety zone to get poked and prodded.

Nervously licking my lips.  I know what's going to happen.
I didn't get to see my regular vet Dr Paula as she was in surgery.  
But Dr Tara has seen me before and she is also quite respectful and gentle.    

Curiosity eventually got the better of me.
I tried to keep a keen eye out.
I came out eventually and was nabbed.
Bloods, temperature (ooeer), urine test & blood pressure taken, they put on the cuff & pump it up just like for my humans.
(Needless to say, my blood pressure is usually pretty high by the time they take it.)
Just waiting for the other results to come in.
But all in all, a successful visit I hope.
Paws crossed.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Clothes Supervisor ....

I spent a fair bit of time supervising folding the clothes after they were freshly washed today.
My humans did such a good job & the clothes looked soooo comfy....
I couldn't help myself.  I had to test them out.
Yes.  Just as comfy as they looked.
One pile made a very handy head rest.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Mr Relaxo ....

I took complete advantage of a sunny weekend in Melbourne.
(I know!! What!!)
So I'm basking.
It's actually cold again right now. 

Friday, 21 September 2012

Plant Therapy ....

I've been working with this plant for several months.
Sending it good vibes after it was frazzled last summer.
It appears to have taken my soothing, friendly advice on board, and is now pretty much completely recovered.
I don't think my humans are stupid enough to put it outside again this summer. 
It prefers to remain inside, with me.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Finally .... A Lemon's life ....

The lemon is ready.

Sliced open.
Perfectly ripe.  Yay! 

Squeezed and all the juice and zest used.
Not a skerrick was wasted.

And baked.
mmmmm Lemon Pie.
I liked it very much.
Hopefully Lemmy the Lemon Tree will have more than one success story next year!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Favourite Blanky ....

After a few warm days it's cold again!
This is my favourite blanket to snuggle down in.
(One of my humans also likes it a lot, so it can be hard to get all to myself).
I like to make a nest in it.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Sunday, 16 September 2012

It Wasn't Me ....

How could you accuse me of taking these lemons out of the bowl?
I wasn't trying to get anyone's attention at all.
I'm just sitting here being good.
All the time.
This is the face of an innocent cat.
(Or maybe I just feel like a Margarita).

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

On the Road ....

One of my humans will be on the road for a few days.
They will be assisting another human to demonstrate some amazing floral art in Adelaide.
I've asked for some photos, so stay tuned.
I'm quite excited.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Making an Impression ....

Recently a location scout from a movie currently being made in Melbourne met with one of my humans.
They were interested in my balcony, and the possibility of the view to the lane way below.
(They will be filming in the lane way later this month).
I thought it was my opportunity to make an impression and maybe get in the film.
I did get a pat when I came out of the bathroom to say hi!
I wonder if this could be my big break for fame.
You never know.
Paws crossed.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Couch Position ....

Sometimes I let my humans 'warm up' a spot on the couch.
Then when they get up I take it.
(And I don't intend to give it back easily).
They can find somewhere else to sit.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Peg - Leg ....

My right front leg has gone AWOL!
This has surprised and confounded me.
Please let me know if you find it.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

And The Winner Is ....

Also, Happy Birthday to you!
The 'Below The Radar' AFL Super Coach winner in the 'Total Crap' League.
The trophy has been updated accordingly.
*note that Ratso Eats Chilli came in at second place.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Snoring ....

Snoring with my eyes open.
Sometimes I do this and it freaks out my humans.
I'm still a bit congested, but maybe it's hay fever.
Spring has sprung.

Monday, 3 September 2012

The Record Player ....

One of my humans scored this awesome record player for a birthday!
It came with the cute table which holds records underneath.
It has been getting lots of use ;)

These are some of my personal favourites.
(Hunters & Collectors, Paul Kelly & the Smiths).
My taste appears to be stuck in the 80's.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

AFL Round 23 ....

Well folks, it's the final game of the season for St Kilda.
We didn't make the 8, (and therefore the finals).
However I must say I am very happy with all the new young talent on the team this season.
Hopefully we will win today and remain ensconced in 9th position for the year.
And Saints for premiers in 2013!!!!